wellness conscious living

Why did we shift away from yoga iam and created whole wellbeing trainings and conscious relationships & absolute self love programs via a force of love academy?

Its now widely accepted by those who are real yogis and not just a yoga teacher that its beyond simply the physical movement of the body and which per patanjali 8 limbs of yoga, known as ashtanga, is the 3rd limb which the vast majority of yoga teachers promote and that too has its place, after all it is also how i first started in yoga, yet the real yogi is about WHOLENESS, in fact is the merging of the individual to the whole, which is the 8th limb the samadhi, this is possible by nearly all who are true yogis! Even beyond samadhi is the phase which is not bell shaped, which doesnt go up or down its the presence of the heart or i am that, or sat chit anand state or what we call the force of love. This is what we term at shaktipremanand as the ‘no knowing non separative phase’ where the beliefs, thoughts, mind are subservient for service to the whole. Its not about running to ashrams or gurus and giving up on the material life world, its in fact living WHOLLY from the force of love as is.

Shaktipremanand was formed for this purpose as we grew beyond just the yoga or the 3rd phase of patanjali. So we werlcome anyone who has done yoga and wishes to truly encompass the whole absolute truth. Its not giving up on life, its beyond samadhi. The techniques and tools are used to tame the monkey mind like rocking a baby to lull it to relax and be calm to have grace descend if its meant for you in this lifetime since it cannot be taught! There is the paradox the ultimate wholeness of mergeing is purely grace, so we dont want to decieve its why no gurudom is here or ashram, we have formed an academy as wholeness could happen in an instant or over many lives. The surrender of your will is often promoted by many cults and gurus a servant desciple we do not do this, your will to choose understand question surrender as you feel you can.

At Shaktipremanad force of love academy our moto is to ‘actively act‘ (kriya yoga) throughout your life, as awareness in unity consciousness with all you encounter in your karmic journey. its not to be the doer the acts of one’s life is to be wholly present to what is. its to be effortless effort this is surrender of the doing mind not the mind per se, since acts happen via the mind, and behind the matter is the presence of whole unified consciesness the eternal self, which reveals self love to the eternal self. The space of force love is with no effort.

join us on zoom calls and our 1 day or 2 day programs. Drop us a message in form below.

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