
Conscious Relationships

In starting conscious relationships last year 2022, the following key findings have come to light and we are now only offering the 1 year facilitator and sessions to very limited few who have done other programs with us;

  1. certain key parameters must be in place, without which the relationships will be at ego level of karmic reactions imprints and responses and flawed communication will result.
    • Listening from non ego
    • be present dont run away, stay
    • allow the perceptions faultlines to emerge and be acknowledged as no one is perfect
    • learn to move on where the other is unavailable for this type of relating as with all learnings there must be room and willingness to grow
    • Forgiveness is ongoing, to not see fault finding in character as we all have this hence life school, move on if the relationship is important stay otherwise leave, we cannot carry those who are not ready for such deep work and unwilling to do the work
    • The most important parameter is a spiritual discipline of meditation and connection to self awakening process however you allow this. At aranyaka ananda we teach kriya meditation practices of initiation selectively.
    • As sessions really are futile without a deep willingness to engage in such a way of relating the facilitator program a year to 18m is the only way to see this engagement has even a possibility.
    • To relate in this deep non ego way is simply not possible without the above program minimum 1 year to 18m to cultivate the discipline of practices and to be wary of ones mind chatter and as karma storms hit into ones life to not drown in life events. All this requires an ardent student in matter of non ego relateable values, that only a spiritual practice can bring about.
  2. The environment of family spouse or work must be made ready for such practices to be done by the individual concerned, without this agreement, relationship at a conscious level is not an isolated incident.
  3. Communication of difficult conversations will inevitably occur, and if one is unwilling or ill prepared to listen for feedback and respond from anger and unable to accept self responsibility again its not for the feint hearted. So again practices to reflect and stay when this arises
  4. The payment for such a program is a reflection of how willing are you really to shift and live from conscious perspective of limited conditions, so we are charging it accordingly. It will naturally awaken and put harmony in the relating only upto the point you can withstand to let go ego overriding communication and shift inwardly and not be victim to your life circumstances.
  5. Availability without excuses of life drama circumstances and making the commitment is fundamental towards this success engagement at a conscious level.

The conscious relationships facilitator program will start 1st july annually for 1 year and an introduction 1/2 day program will be held online 1st May. Please submit message below to show interest and attend the program. There is a selection process. We are also offering a membership to those completing the program to create a like minded community who can do business network at a practical level.

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overview of conscious relationship facilitator program

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